5 Lbs. Down summer shred challenge
Over the next 21 days, we'll be hyper-focused on optimizing your NUTRITION, workouts & healthy habits.
The goal is To drop 5 pounds in 3 weeks.
Win some prizes, lose weight, get results + keep results.
It's all happening in this FREE challenge.
*HEADS UP! This is an aggressive transformation challenge. It may not be a fit for everyone. Once you sign up, you'll receive a quiz assessment to make sure you qualify. Stay tuned to your inbox!
How it works?
- Duration: 21 days: July 15 - August 5
- Registration Deadline: July 15
- Kickoff Event: Kick off call Sunday, July 15th @ 6:30 PM
- Participate: Tune into daily live tranings from our FOF Coaches on the FB Community Page, complete daily challenges, workout, have fun and lose 5 lbs in 21 days!
- Closing Ceremony: August 5th @ 6:30 PM
In order to qualify for Raffle Prizes, Giveaways and more, participants must attend Summer Shred Kick Off Call on July 15th @ 6:30pm PST and also attend the Wrap Up Call on August 5th @ 6:30pm (when prizes will be announced). Must provide proof weigh ins and weight outs. (final assessment will be sent a few days before end of challenge).