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The Perfect Breakfast?

breakfast coaching fitness health nutrition Mar 26, 2020

Written by, Coach Noah Grime


Many struggle to determine what the perfect breakfast really is. What makes it right? Does a piece of fruit make sense? Bacon and eggs? What about skipping it all together?


Many philosophies will be determined on what we are used to doing and the way it makes us feel. Some will say they eat before heading out of the door for energy and to avoid a crash, while others make lunch their first meal. Who is doing it the right way? 


My philosophy about the first meal of the day is simple. Your first meal should be healthy, taste good, and easy to make. This rules out a donut or pastry from being the ideal situation. In the morning, we generally rush around to try and get our day started. This is when “grabbing something quick” might not be the best solution. Maybe it’s time to consider skipping that sugary cereal or meal bar and go for water and a simple coffee.


Sugar and a calorie overload is the opposite of what we need to get things going. It might feel okay in the moment, but we will pay for the consequences later. Why put a ton of work on our digestive system first thing to deal with that sugar spike? Don’t forget how much effort it takes to digest a meal! 

Breakfast Scene- Season 8 Portlandia "Abracadabra"


If burning extra fat and controlling your cravings is a focus, then focus on a fat and protein rich meal! Intermittent fasting is a method that can also teach your body to burn more fat. Combine “IF” (intermittent fasting) with caffeine from a basic coffee or green tea, and you are more likely to burn extra calories in your morning workout!


“Remember, our body converts all processed carbs, even wheat bread, into sugar, “he explains. “When blood sugar rises, insulin spikes and drives all our body’s fuel into fat cells, especially around the belly. This triggers more hunger, cravings and overeating.

- Mark Hyman, MD


Fat and protein are going to work together to provide a sense of fullness, slow digestion and prevent insulin spikes. This could potentially set you up for a more successful day and prevent us from grabbing that next sugary snack. Have you heard the phrase “It’s all downhill from here?” Well, I would consider that true to your food decisions, especially if  you started with a bagel or pastry first thing in the morning. Fiber is also going to be key for feeling full, slowing absorption of nutrients and helping us lose weight.


Below are three of my favorite meals that take 10 minutes or less to cook, provide nutrients our body needs, and tastes damn good! These meals contain 10-15+ grams of protein each, only about 5 ingredients and plenty of fiber to keep us full! Let’s check them out!


#1 – Fried Eggs Over Spinach and Avocado


The hardest part about this meal is not eating it in 1 min! 


Instructions- Heat up a medium pan on medium-high heat. After the pan is heated, melt a thin slice of grass fed butter (Kerrygold salted is my favorite) to cover the pan (~1/2 tbsp). Crack your eggs into the pan and then add your spinach on the side. While your eggs and spinach are cooking, slice ½ an avocado and grab your salsa. Flip eggs and continue to saute your spinach. Serve spinach as bed, serve eggs and avocado, and top with salsa and cracked lemon pepper. 


#2-  Chia Seed Pudding w/slivered almonds and blueberries


This meal needs to be prepped beforehand. Once ready, it’s a 1 min meal!


Instructions- Find medium sized mason jars. Measure out 4-6 Tbsp chia seeds (depending on how much milk you put in). Pour in unsweetened vanilla almond/oat milk (½-3/4 full), add a few dashes of cinnamon. Stir with fork and then close jar and shake vigorously. Set in the fridge and repeat stir/shake within 30 minutes to avoid chia seeds settling. About 4 hours later your pudding is ready. Add a couple tbsp of chopped almonds, and a small handful of blueberries ontop. 


Option to make this a meal, go for 6 tbsp chia seeds, ¾ full mason jar, and 1-2 tbsp of nut butter! Yum!




#3- Protein Green Machine


Smoothies are hard to mess up. It’s a great way to boost your total protein for the day! Perfect for on the go, or even store it in the fridge at work to have for lunch! Something like the Ninja Blender Single Serve works perfectly! 


Instructions- Put 6-8 regular ice cubes in the bottom of a blender cup, add 1 scoop protein, chop up 1/2 small avocado, 1/3 regular banana, 1 scoop greens (optional), handful of spinach, and 6-8 oz of unsweetened almond milk or water. 


Rethink your breakfast a bit, and just a few minutes can really change your taste buds for the whole day! Enjoy these recipes. Comment on any great variations you have tried!